* Debit/Credit Card (GCASH) (PHP 1400) with deliveryĪfter successfully paying, you will then receive a confirmation to the email address you used during the application process. When you call req.* Debit/Credit Card/GCash – Php 1,250 (no delivery) You can override how passport deserializes a session by creating a new strategy called 'session' and registering it with e(). When a request comes in to the ssion() middleware, passport runs the built-in 'session' strategy - this calls deserializeUser(, done) to read the user out of the session, and stores it in req.user. Passport creates a key in the session called session.passport. Removes req.user, and clears the session.passport value from the session. Log a user in (causes passport to serialize the user to the session). Functions added to the Request req.login(user, callback) err is meant to indicate a server error, like when your DB is unavailable you shouldn't set err if a user fails to authenticate. user should be false if the user does not authenticate. ssage can be used to give a flash message. Passport strategies require a verify callback, which is generally a (err, user, options?) object. You can set pass object, were message is the message to use a a "flash message", and type is the flash type (defaults to 'error'). You can customize this behavior by registering your own session strategy. Which is using the built-in "session strategy". You can create new passport instances:Īpp.

When you import 'passport', you get back an instance of the "Passport" class. If you find inaccuracies, please feel free to open an issue or a PR. Some people, on the other hand, want to know "when I call this function, what's it going to do?" This is for those people. The official passport documentation has a long, example driven style. serializeUser(fn(serializedUser, done) | fn(req, serializedUser, done)).rializeUser(fn(user, done) | fn(req, user, done)).thorize(strategyName, options, callback).thenticate(strategyName, options, callback).Russian Translation courtesy of of Contents.